Meibomian glands help to lubricate the eyelids. If the gland becomes blocked, it may swell up and cause a painless lump.
Causes of a Chalazion or Meibomian Cyst
Blepharitis – chronic red inflamed lid margins.
Acne Rosacea.
Seborrheic dermatitis.
Lid injections.
Initially resembles a stye when the gland blocks, then become a painless firm lump in the eyelid. The lump may disappear after a few weeks or months.
Chalazion may disappear spontaneously over weeks to months.
At the first sign of eyelid irritation, apply a warm compress several times a day.
If you are prone to eyelid problems, then wash the eyelid area daily.
Antibiotics are not helpful unless infected.
If the chalazion persists causing blurred vision, then they can be removed surgically under local anaesthetic.